Collaborating for Better Healthcare Solutions in the Marshall Islands
The Health Services Board is responsible for public health services. There are two public hospitals.
Leroj Atama Medical Center in Majuro which has 101 beds and Leroj Kitlang Health Center in Ebeye which has 45.There are 58 health care centres on the outer atolls and islands.
Leroj Atama Medical Center in Majuro which has 101 beds and Leroj Kitlang Health Center in Ebeye which has 45.There are 58 health care centres on the outer atolls and islands.
There is also a hospital on Kwajalein Atoll at the US military . In 2008 there were 2 pharmacists, 7 dentists, 38 physicians and 172 nurses working in the country.
Engaging Partnerships for Sustainable Healthcare Development in the Marshall Islands.
Implementing Actions Management
- Develop clear referral system, facilitating prompt referrals of high risk pregnancy cases to the main hospitals
- Facilitate Access and Availability of Effective Neonatal Care and Post-natal care
- Ensure service deliveries are met/and comply with a basic and/or comprehensive obstetric care standards
- Provide and ensure the adolescent population is aware and have readily access of family planning/reproductive health.
- Review and standardize clinical guidelines and protocols for obstetric care
- Develop quality assurance and quality improvement (QA and QI) to monitor and evaluate delivery services
- Review management guideline (screening and management) on breast, cervical and colorectal cancer by the two Cancer coalitions from Majuro and Ebeye.
- Utilize NCD Coalition to advocate to the politicians and advisory group for support on the screening, prevention, management and treatment of cancer.
- Develop Standardized Developmental Screening tool
- Develop and implement an Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Program
Implementing Actions Training & Patient Care
- Conduct training to health staffs on Emergency Obstetric Care (EMOC)
- Provide training to traditional birth attendance on basic obstetric care
- Provide training of staff in mammogram and ultrasound
- Conduct a training for staff/users on applying the developmental screening tool
- Conduct community awareness, promote early booking of mothers before 12 weeks of gestation and get mothers to attend at least 4 Pre-Natal clinics before delivery
- Enhance community awareness on the effectiveness of breastfeeding
- Conduct routine screening and treating for syphilis and STIs for all pregnant women (1)
- Provide education to schools (Middle School, High School and College) on cancer, risk factors, early screening, and availability of services in the Ministry of Health
- Provide available and accessible quality services to new mothers and their newborns
- Community awareness on the screening tool and availability of health care services for 10 to 71 months children
- Ensure high standard services and supplies are provided to accommodate hospitalization of non fatal child injuries.
- Ensure supplies needed for the screenings and management is readily and sufficiently available

Wutmi Hermios
RMI Red Cross Staff

Kathleen Candle-Jikit
Health Preparedness Director

Morag May Furgerson
WHO SSA EMT Coordinator

Donald Langidrik
Chief of Security for Sea Port Division Ports Authority

Juda Langrine
Overall Compliance officer

Sean Casey
Health Emergency Officer